Hey all, just thought I’d give a quick update about the unannounced hiatus. The tldr is that the show will be back soon.
Around the same time as the show relaunched I started a second job. Juggling 2 jobs, and a show, while still finding time to actually play and have a bit of knowledge about the circuit was hard enough already. Still, I felt I could do it and was fairly optimistic at the start of the season. Then I had one of the most deflating tournaments in my career at OCIC, and returned to a completely unsustainable new work schedule. I got the weekend off for Vancouver and must have set the record for Icy Wind misses in a tournament. After that I had neither the time nor desire to play pokémon for the last few months.
This week and going forward my work schedule has shifted to something more manageable. I can now go to sleep relatively close to the same time most nights, which is a huge improvement. I also played pokémon for the first time since Vancouver, using the team still in my box from the series 2 regional to get top 700 in the Global Challenge last weekend. So I’m slowly working myself back into game shape. Now I just need to message Alyssa and figure out when she’s back from traveling the world so we can start recording.
But yeah, hopefully back soon. Send us questions.