If you’re looking for things we talked about on the show, be it events, communities, or tools, you can find them here.

  • Notes On Notes
    Note taking has been a part of VGC forever. With open team sheets becoming a thing this year it has changed the way some people take notes, it’s even gotten some people to stop taking notes entirely. It hasn’t changed much for me, but it has given me an opportunity to talk notes and why… Continue reading Notes On Notes
  • Best of 45
    Global Challenges are back and with them come the return of closed teamsheet games that count for Championship Points. There’s a lot of unique charms to these semi-regular tournaments that sit somewhere between ladder games and in person tournaments. There are quite a few different points of view on how useful these tournaments are and… Continue reading Best of 45
  • Time Off
    Hey all, just thought I’d give a quick update about the unannounced hiatus. The tldr is that the show will be back soon. Around the same time as the show relaunched I started a second job. Juggling 2 jobs, and a show, while still finding time to actually play and have a bit of knowledge… Continue reading Time Off
  • Living the Gimmick
    I’ve seen a few rumblings about how open team sheets are going to stifle creativity in team building and lead to a hyper centralized meta. Since you can’t surprise anyone, there’s no reason not to use the safe standard mons anymore. But I disagree, and I don’t really think it’s that simple. For those unfamiliar… Continue reading Living the Gimmick
  • Dipping a toe back in.
    Hey, hi, hello! I’m Samuel, you may know me as Dr Fidget, and this here is a webpage for a podcast I’ve hosted on and off since 2012. As the social media landscape breaks down and gets increasingly confusing, I thought having a single place to point people to to find things would be useful.… Continue reading Dipping a toe back in.

The Lava Pool is hosted by Samuel Haarsma and Alyssa Smith. If you have questions for the show you can email us at podcast@lavapool.party