Here you can find links to websites and other resources discussed in The Lava Pool, for easy access:
Play! Pokémon – The official site and news source for Pokemon Championship events and leagues. With links to the official rules documents and an event finder for leagues and tournaments.
Rk9 Labs – Here is where you can sign up for live VGC events.
Pikalytics – Tool to sort through usage stats from various online ladders.
Damage Calculator – To see how much damage you pokemon could be doing.
USPA – Online Tournament series focused on building local communities across the United States and Canada.
Hatterene Series – this Twitter will give info on the Hatterene Series, a tournament series designed for women, non-binary people, and other marginalized genders as a safe space in the VGC community.
Victory Road – This site collects tournament results, rental teams, and even hosts some of their own online tournaments.